A Statement from the Author
Read a statement from Jimmy Johnson, the author of The Veterans’ Survival Guide
The Veterans’ Survival Guide

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects many servicemen and women returning from tours of duty. Unaware that they are suffering from the condition, upon returning to civilian life they may be left undiagnosed and untreated, with potentially devastating consequences.
The Veterans’ Survival Guide has been written to help veterans and their families to understand the causes, symptoms and very real dangers of PTSD. Sharing the experiences of real soldiers who have been affected by the disorder, the Guide is designed to increase awareness of combat-related PTSD, to help sufferers and their families identify the condition, and to encourage veterans to seek the treatment they need and deserve.
Jimmy’s Song …
Scars and wounds caused by war are not always visible. In 2010, an article appeared in the Guardian detailing the devastating effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on the life of one veteran, Jimmy Johnson. Through Johnson’s story, the article also reflected on the hidden suffering of countless other veterans struggling with PTSD and the debilitating consequences of the disorder.
One reader inspired to action by the article was Tom Barman, frontman of
the Belgian band dEUS. Barman wrote a song called Hidden Wounds that was based on the article and Johnson’s story. After hearing the song, Dutch filmmaker Tomas Kaan and production group Prospektor (duo Arnold van Bruggen and Eefje Blankevoort) decided to delve further into the issue.
Fuelled by the power of dEUS’s musical work, the team created a music video for the track made up of interviews with 24 veterans suffering from PTSD.
dEUS – Hidden Wounds
Music video/documentary, a Prospektor.NL Production [music by dEUS]
Jimmy Johnson Veterans’ Survival and co-founder of Veterans in Prison
Jimmy has been vigorously campaigning for decades on behalf of veterans who as a result of combat experience suffered from PTSD, or had an embedded reaction of spontaneous violence when involved in everyday disputes.
This website has been set up to highlight the injustices experienced by untold numbers of combat veterans and their families since the early 1970s, having been sacrificed by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) through failing to prevent and adequately treat their disorders after service in conflicts.
The information detailed in Jimmy’s book has already proved invaluable to many hundreds of people, by explaining how when left untreated these mental disorders can prove fatal, destroying the lives of veterans, their families and the innocent public in the wider community.
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Thank you for taking the time to hear my voice, I hope my publications help you and your families.